Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oh sooo long!

Oh well, seems like i have neglected my blogging since 2010 :/
So much has happened since then and i never really get to check on the blog or even take pictures of what i love to post.. aside from this..

Yep! you got it right. 

He's now almost 14 months old.Very sweet and nerve wrecking. *gg*
I hope that explains why i've lost track of posting.

What's keeping you busy as bee now a days?


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Im back!
Another Sunshiney day here in Vienna.
I wish the good weather stay longer, since winter and snow is getting to everybody's nerve this year. It's just endless.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

branch the lamp

Oh well, the title speaks for itself. I first saw it here. Then i wanted one for my flat too.
So i (+ J) diy-ed. Here's our version.

Found this branch unexpectedly when we had our 24hr roadtrip to Bodensee in Bregenz Austria and Lindau Island Germany.

DIY is L.O.V.E

Did you have any diy projects for your home-sweet-home?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Every now and then, J and i go on spontaneous roadtrips wherever we can. When 2010 came and everything was planned and every penny was spent for the BIG day, we said that we will surely not be able to do the any trips this year. But then again, i cant just leave it. I tried convincing J that we drive to Lido di Jesolo in Italy over the weekend. He was first hesistant about it since we still have so much to do in the flat but i insisted we drive, since i really want to see this beach and be lazy on the sand just for the weekend. We drived 2 weeks ago and i am so happy we did. We stayed 1 day and 1 night at the beach then drived straight to Venice to meet some friends who had their trip there aswell.

Hope you enjoyed your photo trip to Venice :)

Did you do any late summer getaway this year?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Black is L.O.V.E.

Im ecstatic right now.I've been thinking the past 3 weeks which color to paint our bedroom and voila! I decided j and i would paint our bedroom BLACK and white. I love it. I havent been this excited for quite some time now.I remember suggesting it to J last month and he was like "h*ll no", but today, when i called telling him i want black in our bedroom, he considerably answered, OK! Here's the inspiration that gave me the guts.

Seen on this wonderful blog.

Since our bed is white, the black perfectly fits! I'm also planning to put a Silhouette at the bed top. Will share some pics when it's done.

What color did you consider painting your brooms?


Sunday, August 8, 2010

lomo love

I've been eyeing on this lomography camera "DIANA" since June and i haven't got my hands on them since then. Poor me. I wish i can find a retailer here in Vienna so i could try it.

*Lomography is the commercial trademark of Lomographische AG, Austria for products and services related to photography. The name is inspired by the former state-run optics manufacturer LOMO PLC of St. Petersburg, Russia . LOMO PLC created and produced the 35mm LOMO LCA Compact Automat camera — which became the centerpiece of Lomography's marketing and sales activities. This camera was loosely based upon the Cosina CX-1 and introduced in the early 1980s. In 1991, the Austrian founders of Lomography discovered the Lomo LC-A. As the company states, they were "charmed by the unique, colorful, and sometimes blurry" images that the camera produced. After a series of international art exhibitions and aggressive marketing work, Lomography signed an exclusive distribution agreement with LOMO PLC — thereby becoming the sole distributor of all Lomo LC-A cameras outside of the Soviet Union.
Lomography emphasizes casual, snapshot photography. Characteristics such as over-saturated colors, off-kilter exposure, blurring, "happy accidents," and alternative film processing are often considered part of the "Lomographic Technique." Users are encouraged to take a lighthearted approach to their photography, and use these techniques to document everyday life, as the Lomo LC-A's small size, simple controls, and ability to shoot in low light encourage candid photography, photo reportage, and photo vérité through the much-touted "10 Golden Rules." via wikipedia

On the other hand, i badly need to get an 18- 200mm lens for my Nikon D60 but this accessory is in my opinion, way too overpriced. My 18-55 mm lens isnt just giving me the satisfaction i want when i shoot. But to give it the benefit of the doubt, here are some shots i did today while snapping some fresh air with J at the Park.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

color coding

I miss this once in a while. My friends and family, the good times. Being far from everyone else is not always for the better. The fact that a very good friend got married yesterday, and being not there to witness it makes me sad. I wish she had a blast.i miss you friend.

Anyhow, i wanted to paint the flat since 3 months and i havent started working around. I just cant decide what color to pick, although i've been contemplating about it since we have moved in 3 years ago. I am thinking of painting it ivory cream gray or something in between.Not to whitey but neutral and another color on one wall as a contrast.
Hope to finish it this month.Wish me luck!